
東京都内水門近くでテナガエビ釣り 日本酒とよく合う酒のつまみ / Fishing river prawn in Tokyo – they go well with Japanese sake

東京都内水門近くでテナガエビ釣り 日本酒とよく合う酒のつまみ / Fishing river prawn in Tokyo – they go well with Japanese sake


竿=自作 1.8m総布袋竹竿
ウキ = ナカジマ蛍光シモリ 2号 (2つのみ使用)
針 = OWNER(オーナー) 糸付 新半月タナゴ針
餌 = 上州屋のアカムシ
#テナガエビ #日本酒 #釣り

River prawn is one of the famous fishing targets around Tokyo. There are a lot of people in this season for it around fields of brackish water. Usually, tiny hook and small worm which is baby mosquito are used to fish river prawn. The prawn can be eaten in the day of fishing by removing internal organs before cooking. I cooked it then and it went very well with Japanese sake. I would like to do this fishing again within this season.

#riverprawn #fishing #fishinginriver #tokyo

