
東京都内水門近くでテナガエビ釣り 前回のアカムシを使用 釣果はいかに / Fishing river prawn in Tokyo for second time in this season

東京都内水門近くでテナガエビ釣り 前回のアカムシを使用 釣果はいかに / Fishing river prawn in Tokyo for second time in this season

竿=自作 1.8m総布袋竹竿
ウキ = ナカジマ蛍光シモリ 2号 (2つのみ使用)
針 = OWNER(オーナー) 糸付 新半月タナゴ針
餌 = 上州屋のアカムシ – 5/4(木)に購入したもの
#釣り #テナガエビ #fishing #fishinginriver #川釣り #小物釣り

Baby mosquitos were kept approximately 20 days in fridge and they seemed still useful as bates. I went to the same river again as the one I went in Golden Week in Japan. I caught a lot at this time as second trial in this year. Maybe, it is becoming more and more in the middle of season.


