
東京ルアー釣り、荒川 ブラックバス&シーバス 水門 (Tokyo Lure Fishing, Bass, Sea Bass, River, 黑鱸, 海鱸魚)

東京ルアー釣り、荒川 ブラックバス&シーバス 水門 (Tokyo Lure Fishing, Bass, Sea Bass, River, 黑鱸, 海鱸魚)

This video contains footage related to lure fishing mainly for Black Bass from Sanryo Floodgate, the Arakawa River in Kawaguchi City where it takes 30mins by train from Tokyo Station. The main target is Black Bass in the floodgate area and people sometimes fish Sea bass in the main course of Arakawa River as well. In this video, shortly after starting fishing, a sea bass was hit on a sinking minnow near the floodgate area. Unfortunately I was not able to catch the sea bass due to the line break, but after that I was able to catch one black bass using the worm. I also caught 4 small bluegills.



Tackle Data:
Rod: AbuGarcia (アブ・ガルシア)Bass Beat2 BBS-632L Ⅱ
Reel: Daiwa(ダイワ) Crest 2500
Lure: Gary Yamamoto(ゲーリー・ヤマモト) Kut Tail Worm 3.5 Inches Smoke Brown etc.
   Orurudo Sinking Minnow 9cm 11.5g

“Lonely At The Top” prod. by LSB BEATS
“Chillin” prod. by Pink

